You are on your way to beautiful, radiant, healthy looking skin! Please complete the skin assessment to begin purchasing RégimA products 1234567Male or Female? *FemaleMaleNextAge *11-1920-2526-3031-3536-4041-4546-5051-6060+NextWhat skin type do you have?NormalOil DryWater DryOilyCombinationAcneSensitiveI don't knowNextDo any of these apply to your current skin condition?Open cuts, sores or infected woundsCurrent severe eczemaActive dermatitis I do not have any of these conditionsNextAre you currently using or have you used any of the following within the last four weeks?CortisoneRoaccutaneSkin ResurfacingLaserDermabraisonWaxing/BleachingAHA/Retinol/TCA/Phenol/Chemical PeelsEfudix/Topical Cancer TreatmentNextWhat are your main skincare concerns? *AcneSensitivity/RednessFine Lines & WrinklesTextureDull SkinScarringEczemaPsoriasisOtherYou may select up to two concernsNextPlease tick if any of the following relate to your lifestyleAlcoholSmokerAllergiesBreast FeedingDiabetesHeart DiseaseHormone ProblemsPregnantSkin CancerSkin DisordersPlease let us know if there is anything else we should know about your skin, health or expectations:EmailSubmit